Newsletter 14

Happy Friday Leaders!

This week, we're diving deep into the heart of language development, British international education, and the invaluable role of vulnerability in coaching. It's a rollercoaster of insights, experiences, and valuable lessons that you won't want to miss. 

Let's get straight to the nitty-gritty, shall we?

Podcast Highlights

Learning a Second Language? Develop Your Mother Tongue

A revisitation of a 2017 TEDx talk emphasising the benefits of bilingualism in international schools and urging the nurturing of home languages alongside second language learning. Dive deeper here.

What Connects British International Schools?

A fascinating discussion with John Gwyn Jones MBE, CEO of FOBISIA, exploring the evolution, challenges, and future of British international schools. Discover more here.

Coaching Done Well Spotlight

Why is Vulnerability an Essential Part of Coaching?

An episode featuring Aimee Skidmore, highlighting the power of vulnerability and reflection in professional growth. Watch the whole chat here.

I’m privileged to partner this newsletter with The University of Warwick. Click the banner to learn more.

These last two weeks, I was privileged to cover ground from the significance of our mother tongues to the intricacies of British international schools, and the pivotal role of vulnerability in coaching. It’s my hope that piece offers unique perspectives and practical advice to enrich your personal and professional journey.

Also, did you spot it? I made the newsletter a little shorter - Reply and let me know how it works for you!

Until next time, keep leading with passion and purpose!

🚀 Stay curious friends!